DHA City Karachi (DCK) is one of the biggest housing schemes ever launched in the history of Real Estate in Karachi with total available land in DHA City Karachi is 11,640 acres out of which around 5,000 acres land is being offered for allotment to various categories. This is also first time in the history of Defence Housing Authority (DHA) that they provided an opportunity to the civilians to get a plot in their scheme directly. Before this DHA always used to allot plots to Armed Forces Officers and after that those individuals could sell out their plot to civilians in the open market.
Before DCK, the Non-Forces person could not apply for allotment of any plot directly from DHA authority. However, in DHA City Karachi, civilians can buy Army category plots from the open market and are eligible to transfer the plots on their own name in “B” Category of Membership. However the rates are different for Armed Forces and Civilians.
DHA Karachi also rewards their staff by giving them plots in Staff Category. There are more than 10 different plot categories in DCK with different prices and payment plans (10 to 20 years installments).
DCK is unique because of its size, it’s a huge project comprising on approximately 11,640 acres of land. By comparison, the current land of DHA Karachi is 8,500 acres including all the phases from Phase I to Phase VIII. So DHA City Karachi is much bigger compared to DHA Karachi. DCK will have 17 sectors which will be developed over the years.
If you are looking to buy or sell plots in DHA City Karachi then contact AB Enterprises at info@dha-city.com
DHA City Karachi is located on Super Highway. Construction of road linking Super Highway and Airport have shorten the travel time. It is connected to existing DHA through National Highway and link road linking Super Highway just short of DHA City Karachi.
Initial Balloting
From the balloting till today, 6 years have been passed. In the first couple of years i.e. 2010 and 2011, the market was complete dull and there was no plot file transactions in the market. One major reason of this was that there were two different prices for the same plot i.e. Army Officers plots was balloted at half price from the Civilian Category. The Civilian Category plots prices were in minus because those Army Officers files available in the market for sale and they agreed to sale their files at little price premium.
After the two dull years, market started to take off in early 2012 and price premium starts on Civilian categories plot. Initially, it was at breakeven price, like what the payment has been made to DHA the seller can get this only. The market started to move with 50k price premium, then 100k price premium and so on.
During 2015, the prices went up by almost 100% and the upward trend continues. There was a temporary slow down at the end of the year 2015, but starting 2016 prices have again begun to rise. This is due to investor’s confidence in the scheme and a strong return on investment (ROI).
Click here to view the current latest Premium Amount of DHA City Karachi (DCK) Plots.